Sunday, October 05, 2008

I'm Poor

I recently caught myself doing something that I hate other people for doing. It hard to explain, but basically I was pretending like I was rich. This is a consequence of a credit based society, we all like to pretend that we have a lot more money than we actually do. This is everywhere I go, Gucci bags on the bus, Dolce Gabbana shades in line at the social security office. I succumbed in the form of a fancy stereo that, admittedly I got off the craigslist, but to hear me talk about it you'd think it was built to my exacting specifications by eastern european watchmakers. A stereo had somehow magically lifted me out of my station and made it so that I could talk with my social betters as peers - as equals, at least on matters of media playback. I found myself scoffing at those who would accept a tinny treble or blown out bass. That was when the mailman brought the bills and grounded me.

America is a class based society, but there is nothing shameful about being poor. In my opinion the only really shameful thing is living beyond your means and you don't have to be poor for that. Noted idiot Sean Combs was recently in the news because he was forced to ground his personal jet and fly on a commercial aircraft. Funny that he never thought to "Plane-pool" with other strapped celebrities. As for the rest of us, we get used to being a little colder and a little sicker for a little longer. We get good at waiting for things. Disappointment becomes parenthetical and has the breadth of a breath. While Wall Street booms, we flip burgers and sweep up for minimum wage. Now that its tanked, our circumstances are very much the same. 

So why the front? Why break the bank on a Chanel handbag and have no money it? Why pull the Benz up to the Drive thru and order off the dollar menu? These are rhetorical device, we all know why. Its the aspiration for a better life, the outward sign of the inward wish. No person of means will respect anyone because they have on the same coat. Burberry's famously killed their patterned ballcap when local louts started wearing them. This kind of retaliation against class trespassing isn't limited to the rich, I still would not feel comfortable wearing an old school rap "Africa Necklace." Time bears out all trends and rights itself, which is one of the reasons I try to choose minimalism.

As for pretending to be rich, well I will try a little harder to represent myself as I am. Instead of a fancy logo on my shirt I might just print my credit score.