Thursday, September 20, 2007

Design Show

There are only a few more days left of the Design for the Other 90% show at the Cooper Hewitt. I have known about this for a while, but being very busy I forgot to mention it. Many of these designs are not new but they will all be piled together for appreciation instead of individually being the major highlights of minor shows. My personal favorite is the "Zeer" pot, or pot in pot cooler. This is one of those items that make one wonder why we in the west never picked up on an idea like harnessing natural evaporation to cool our food, instead of having hulking refrigerator units eating electricity. This show is noteworthy because I live in abundance and choose this way of minimalism but not everyone gets to make that choice. The vast majority of the entire population of the planet barely scrapes by without good medicine, clean water, or decent educations. There is a lot of wisdom there, for example, if you want to know how to save water? ask someone who doesn't have any.

If this sort of thing interests you there is also thinkcycle, which is a collaborative post type thing for good ideas, you know, that might save millions of lives or change the world. If you are into that kind of thing.