This is a Reprap. Its a 3D printer under construction by the open source community. Printer jets lay down a polycarbonate goo in layers from digital templates, meaning that it can print out 3 dimensional plastic shapes. 3D printers are not new, they are employed largely for prototyping or making casts for large scale production and cost a great deal of money. This device, however, can be built for less then a thousand dollars using off the shelf components and the plans are available for free download from their website. The prototypes are in use refining and printing the components of the reprap itself, so in its own modest way the device is in use creating itself.
The possibilities of this device are enormous. The ability to make things without need for factories or shipping would greatly improve the quality of human life globally. It would have the same effect that inkjet printers had on displacing the photographic lab industry. Plans for anything could be downloaded from the internet and printed as is required. Not everyone will have one in their homes, but there will probably be one available for public use at a local hardware store. Since it makes many things from one recyclable plastic the supply chain would be streamlined instantly. Inventors, educators and artists are the most immediate beneficiaries that come to mind, but medical devices like hearing aid housings or eyeglass frames could be made cheaply where they are badly needed.
Moral: open source is awesome.