I must beg for an indulgence. This link will take you to the Mass Moca live webstream of Jenny Holzer's exhibit. During my formative years I took a bold solo bus trip to New York City. Unsure of what I would encounter there I was eyes wide and alert to every detail. If I was unprepared for anything it was the sheer size of that sprawling city, I could almost hear the bedrock groaning underneath the weight of so many buildings. As the bus made its final go round and was easing through traffic towards the Port Authority bus depot, I noticed that intermittent marquees had these cryptic statements on them. I had accidentally stumbled upon Jenny Holzer's truism exhibit. The experience was as intended, to catch unwitting travelers off guard and make them say "What the fuck?" and I was hooked. Contemporary art is not an easy thing to appreciate and if there was a first for me it was Jenny Holzer. It was the first time I saw it and said "I don't care what anyone says, this is art."