The cold weather is upon us. Time to pull the sweaters and heavy down blankets from the shelf and shiver for the next few months. I am unfortunate to work outside, so the winter for me is a bit more serious. Being a yankee, born and bred, I have a few tips for staving off the cold.
Silk long underwear. I admit it, I wear it, I love it. Its a few extra dollars, but its easily washed in the sink, it doesn't hold stink and the wool stuff is just too itchy. You have to be careful with the bottoms, the crotch gives out, I don't recommend biking with them on. If you have no choice but to foray out into the harsh elements there is solace to be had in silk long underwear.
Merino wool. Again, a few dollars more, but worth every penny. Hats, scarves and gloves. Accept no blends or substitutes. It dries quickly, but keeps you warm even when its wet. Merino wool can smell gamey at first, but it isn't unpleasant as some of the other wools and its not nearly as itchy. Why not have the best?
Hand warmers. In my opinion these are a waste of money. I've had a few spanning the technologies of our time. Some powered by coal or lighter fluid, some oxygenating iron and most recently, supersaturating crystalizing salts. They are clever novelties, but you can get the same effect from micro-waving an old sock filled with rice.
At night don't forget the old, grimy, rubber hot water bottle. No new england home is without one. There are some pretty swanky antique bottles as well, if you are feeling victorian-y.
Don't despair, the winter is a wonderful season. Have some tea, read a book, get caught up on correspondence, before you know it you'll be sweating your balls off in the 100+ midsummer heat and wishing for an icy breeze from the north.